Welcome to Hazcam.io
Hazcam specialises in rapid prototyping and systems integration for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision solutions. We develop products and services as white label prototypes for our clients to test their target market for early stage projects and start-ups. We partner with leading edge AI companies including NVIDIA Jetson embedded processing platforms. We also represent world class volume manufacturers that will deliver your prototype as a fully manufacturable product. Hazcam is proudly Made in Australia.
As of July 2021, Due to World Wide Components Shortages, please email us at sales at hazcam dot io for latest pricing and lead times.
Nvidia Xavier NX Module now available on all Hazcam Products
The Nvidia NX module is equivalent to 4 x Jetson Nano, in the same footprint under 15Watts. The Xavier NX Module is compatible with all Hazcam Nano products. Hazcam Nano products are the most cost effective and most powerful AI platforms available for rapid commercialisation of your AI application.